I only recently realized that there are certain things in the world that I eternally vibe with out of their natural composition. There are other things that I have to try hard to learn and understand before I can genuinely say that I enjoy them. To make sure all that I like is present in one place, I decided to keep it on this page to keep a note of all those things that I love watching/reading/listening to.

My own Instagram stories!

  • https://www.instagram.com/archive/stories/

Snippets of teachings that makes sense to me

  • Providence
    • Do what is needed to be done, irrespective of whether you like it or not.
    • Be businesslike in your dealings with the world.
    • Don’t pay too much attention to your mind.
  • VSNY
    • Abhijeet will never become free, rather, I will become free from Abhijeet.
      • Here Abhijeet represents the mind or say the personality.
      • This is the most important of all teachings, that our real nature is beyond cause and effect.
      • The cause and effect makes a person wax or wane, riding along with the mind.
      • The mind is made of nature, and it will go through all the experiences and the three modes irrespective - which are sattva, rajas and tamas.
      • Ignore them for they are not You. You are the touchless transcendent ever blissful Atman, beyond all the tragedies and the joys of life.
      • They don’t touch you an iota. But this understanding only becomes practical and blissful after one gets deeper into the bliss of meditation and starts enjoying some deep objectless peace within.
    • We are spiritual beings having a human experience.
  • Vrindavan
    • “मैं” को ज्ञान नहीं होता है, जबकि, “ज्ञान” में “मैं” मालूम पड़ता है
    • ईश्वर का केवल एक ही कानून है की वह भक्त पक्षपाती होता है
    • ईश्वर का एक नाम है नटराज, मतलब, नाटकों के राजा। हमें भी उनके जैसे नाटक करना आना चाहिए ।
    • ज्ञानी और अज्ञानी दोनों को नानात्व दीखता है, पर फर्क सिर्फ इतना है की - ज्ञानी की बुद्धि में यह बात बाधित है की नानात्व होते हुए भी यह सब अपना आपा आत्मा ही है ।



Songs that vibe naturally with me

Music mixes

Youtube Channels




  • One Punch Man
  • Naruto
  • Avatar the Last Airbender


  • Mr Bean, the animated series!


Strength is Life, Weakness is Death

  1. Take Action
  2. I am God
  3. Born Free, Live Free, Die Free
  4. Neville Goddard - Faith in Action

Spiritual Talks

  1. Jeevan Jeeney ki Kala
  2. Jeevan mein Utsah
  3. Japa by Sarvapriyananda
  4. Gita Lecture snippets
  5. Atmananda Ramayan lectures

Current online courses

  1. Sunderkand by Smt. Uma Sharma Notes
  2. Foundations of Sanatana Dharma Notes

Currently reading

Currently Reading - Articles

  1. Chanakya and Machiavelli
  2. Brag Documents, writing your career journey

Sports that I am currently learning

  1. Sailing at the True North Sailing Club
  2. Pool at Play!Hoboken

Wish to read

  1. The Cold War: A beginner’s guide by Merrilyn Thomas
  2. “No assholes” culture of NZ rugby team
  3. Christian Idiodi: Building winning products is a Team Sport
  4. The Intelligent Investor by Benjamin Graham
  5. Kanwal Rekhi - an entreprenuer pundit
  6. Awesome article about the writing process: https://salman.io/notes/how-to-generate-ideas/

Wish to listen

  1. Matt Schofield
  2. Greg Howe
  3. The Ed Palermo Big Band

Wish to watch

  1. PG Wodehouse - Jeeves TV series
  2. Malcolm in the Middle - 90s show with Bryan Cranston!
  3. Peaky Blinders - Amazon Prime

Writing prompts

  1. Woodcarving experience
  2. Brushing up with swimming with a continuous 30-day challenge
  3. Taking things that I left at some point and rekindling them
    • Swimming
    • Soccer
    • Volleyball
    • Writing
    • Table Tennis
  4. Messi!
  5. My journey to “Learning to Drive”
  6. “H = PERMA” vs its evolution from “H = PEM”
  7. From Todo-lists to Themes!
  8. Why “Fake it till you make it” is a maha-mantra!
    • It is an actionable statement
    • And it takes the seriousness away from life, which is why procrastination happens!
  9. Kanwal Rekhi’s Oped changed India’s telecom industry during Vajpayee’s tenure.
    • Knowing about this is fantastic because I have lived and seen the transformation in my growing years.
    • This gives me a great sense of purpose in how people have contributed during my years of growth.
    • Also, funnily, I read Sam Pitroda’s book end to end while on a flight. It was a great read. But Kanwal and Sam are essentially compatriots. So you can see the disagreements between them very clearly. And that clarifies what works and what doesn’t work.
    • It is sad that research initiatives, as lucrative as they might sound, don’t have potential in India, for they require more of an execution mindset to grab a big market for villages, etc.
  10. My Air India flight from Blore to Mumbai to NYC.
    • It got stuck where APU didn’t work
    • so he can’t shut the engines as that will kill the power
    • but if he doesn’t shut the engine, the door can’t be opened!
    • It’s a gruesome three-way lock!
  11. My love-hate affair with Gym
    • There is a need for an instructor who made a difference!
    • Paying money for the right cause is a purifying process - read somewhere in Antifragile
  12. Peru’s expensive food and the gotcha happened just after that!
    • Spent 500$ tasting the 12-course menu from Astrid and Gaston in Lima.
    • But oh boy, I didn’t bring my credit card, lol.
    • Lots of weird things happened after that. Worth writing about it at somepoint.

Wish to explore sports

  1. NYC Soccer League - Learn to Play
  2. Big City Volleyball
  3. Cycling in Central Park

Upcoming Travel

  1. Peru - To live in the Amazon rainforests
  2. France - Scuba diving 101 certification
  3. India - Family time!

Recent Past Travels

  1. Switzerland - Skiing through the Swiss and Italian Alps!